Kirk O’ Muir graveyard
Kirk O’ Muir is a graveyard on the north side of the Carron Valley Reservoir. A small chapel existed there from early in the 10th century and was dedicated to St Mary. The Chapel became ruinous in the 18th century and was replaced in 1751 by a Chapel at Buckieburn, some four miles away.

In the 17th century Covenanters gathered at Kirk O’ Muir. They were people who were committed to maintaining the Presbyterian form of Church government and who vehemently opposed state interference in spiritual matters. As a result of the stance they took, many suffered and were put to death, but this did not diminish their beliefs or make them abandon their principles. Indeed, they remained resolute and it has been said, ‘The Covenanters followed hard in the footsteps of Christ and we would do well to be inspired and heartened by them.’
A service is held at Kirk O’ Muir every year on the first Sunday of August at 12 noon and is conducted by the Parish Minister

The service this year was well attended and the weather conditions were favourable. In his address, the Rev Gary J McIntyre spoke about the challenges facing the Church of Scotland today. He said we could respond to these in one of two ways. We could resign ourselves to believing that the best days of the Church are behind us or we could see the challenges as opportunities and rise to them with courage and zeal, the likes of which was displayed by the Covenanters.
Contributed by Rev.Gary McIntyre, Minister of St.Ninians Parish Church