We are open for Sunday Worship


Park Church is a congregation of the Church of Scotland

Park Church is a welcoming and inclusive church serving and engaging with our community and the world in Christ’s name. Our mission is to share the love of God in a modern world.

Each Sunday we gather together at 11am for worship and fellowship.


All are welcome - Come as you are


Church of Scotland have a new way to give to support your local church – By online donation.

If you feel moved to donate in this way to Park Church, especially if you are unable to give as you normally do during the in-person Sunday worship service, the donation link is shown below

Thank you for your support which will be a real blessing to our congregation and those we support

Bible Verse of the Day

Worship & Reflections

Last Sunday’s service can be heard here  – If you know someone who has no internet access, they can ask for a CD recording by calling the office on 01786 611246

(local telephone charge rates apply)


Catch up on the latest news at

Park Church

Worship & Reflections

This Sunday’s reflection & sermon can be viewed here  – If you know someone who has no internet access, they can hear the service by calling 01786 611246

(local telephone charge rates apply)


Catch up on the latest news at

Park Church

Worship & Reflections

This Sunday’s reflection & sermon can be viewed here  – If you know someone who has no internet access, they can hear the service by calling 01786 611246

(local telephone charge rates apply)


Catch up on the latest news at

Park Church


What's on in the Church

Sunday 19 December


Morning Service
Rev Maggie Roderick

Youth Committee and younger members of the congregation

Park Church

Morning Service led by Rev Maggie Roderick, the Youth Committee and younger members of the congregation

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23 December - 5 January

Church office Christmas closure

The church office is open Tuesday to Friday from 9.30-12.00 but will be closed between Thursday December 23rd 2021 and Wednesday 5th January 2022  

Messages can be left on the telephone (01786-462400) or by email: parkchurchstirling@gmail.com

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Friday 24 December


Christmas Eve Family Carol Service
Rev Maggie Roderick
Park Church
Saturday 25 December


Christmas Day Service
Rev Maggie Roderick
Park Church

A short family service starting at 10:30 am led by Rev Maggie Roderick

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Sunday 26 December


Boxing Day Service
Park Church

A service of Lessons and Carols for Boxing Day

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Sunday (Monthly)


Scottish Recorder Orchestra
Árdís Elíasdóttir
Park Church
Main Hall

Please contact Árdís at adris.dark@gmail.com

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From 7.30pm

Park Church Ladies Group
Rae Scott
Park Church
Main Hall

Please contact Rae at raescott@aol.com 

The Ladies Group Committee are delighted to be able to announce a programme of speakers for the new session starting in September.

After the  past year we are looking forward to being back together as a group even if we may have to make a few changes to table layout and catering arrangements to comply with any Covid restrictions.

We can assure you the welcome and fellowship will be just as warm as before.

Monday 27th September: A social games evening

Monday 11th October : “Tales from a tour guide”.

Monday 25th October: Dr Mary Higgins makes a welcome return with an update on her work with the charity “Let Us Shine”.

Monday 8th November : A mini “Antiques Roadshow”.

Monday 22nd November :Fiona Ritchie from Ochil Skincare.

Monday 6th December: Christmas meal (provisional date)

The Ladies Group meet on alternate Monday evenings at 7.30pm in the church hall.

The group is open to all, not just members of the congregation and a very warm welcome is extended to anyone wishing to join us at any of our meetings.

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Stirling Chess Club
Dave Hewitt

Please contact Genia at Alistair.graham@outlook.com

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9.45am-11.45am Resumes 11 January

Torbrex Choir
Genia Graham


Park Church
Main Hall

Please contact Dave at bencleuch@googlemail.com

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The Men's Badminton Group
New Members Welcome
Park Church
Main Hall

New members warmly invited irrespective of age or ability

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7.30pm-9.30pm Resumes 11 January

Stirling City Choir
Peter Rickard


Park Church
Main Hall

Contact Peter at peter@rickard.me.uk or call on 01786 850209

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Church Coffee Club
suspended temporarily
Marjorie McGowan
Park Church
Main Hall

Park Church Coffee Club meets on Thursday mornings from 10 to 11.30am in the Main Hall and will resume on 23 September 2021.

Everyone is welcome, so please come along, enjoy the home baking and make new friends.

We are also looking for volunteers to assist in serving the teas and coffees. If you are willing to assist on a rota basis, please contact Marjorie McGowan on 01786-461258 or Sarah Murdoch on 01786-473087.

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From 8.00pm

Park Church Choir
suspended temporarily
Ross McGowan


Park Church
Main Hall

Choir practices will resume on Thursday, 23 September at 8pm. in the Church Hall.

Before COVID19, the Choir regularly sang an anthem at the Sunday services, and, although it may be some time before we can do so again, to start practices is a significant step on the road back to normality.

New members will be made most welcome.

Please contact Ross at randmmcgowan@gmail.com

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SPARKS – Pre-school play group
Moira Parry
Park Church
Main Hall
More Detail


Jane McPherson

Group Scout Leader

Park Church
Main Hall

For all enquiries to do with the 4th/6th Stirling Scout Group please contact, Jane MacPherson, Group Scout Leader, on email: themacphersonfamily6@gmail.com and visit our website for all information:- 4th6thstirling.scoutsites.org.uk

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Restarting in the New Year

Carris Donaldson
Park Church
Main Hall

Please contact Carris at Stirling@stagecoach.co.uk

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Claire Hart
Park Church
Main Hall

Please contact Claire at Claire.hart@nycos.co.uk

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Cappella Nova Choir
Alan Tavener


Park Church
Main Hall

Please contact Alan at Alan.cappella-nova@strath.ac.uk

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Mon & Weds

Evenings - TBC

Martial Arts Group
Jonathan Walls
Park Church
Main Hall

Please contact Jonathan on 07812 140695 or at Jjwalls1984@gmail.com

More Detail
Let's talk

Why not get in touch?

We are happy to hear from everyone, whatever you want to say

Call the Minister

Or dial: 01786 478269

If there is no answer and you require a call back URGENTLY, please type in your phone number in the box below and hit “Request Call Back”
The Minister will call you back whenever he is available


2019 collection

Steven Moore will be performing at Park Church Stirling on the 1st of September 2021 at 1.00pm

Please feel free to attend

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